Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A view to the future...

My husband and I met a man at a farmer's market who was selling his self-published book. My husband bought it for my little boy... "I just bought you some good Karma" he said jokingly, but I think this man was a view into my near future.
Here are all my works in progress:
1) "Baby Bop" - for ages 0-2 years. It's a rhythmic book about a toddler who plays actively with his toys and you can almost sing along to it! Written & developing sketches from thumbnails.
2) "Maya's Magic Blanket Ride" - for ages 4-8 years. First in a 3 book series, about a little girl who travels the world on a magic blanket. Rewrite stage. Some basic sketches that need further development.
3) "Maya's Underwater Joyride" - for ages 4-8 years. Second in a 3 book series. First draft written, which establishes a skeleton plot and characters. Needs many more rewrites!
4) "Maya's Galactic Goosechase"- just beginning to write first draft...
Wheels are in motion.....
Step 1: write the story.
Step 2: Have the artwork finished
Step 3: Find the right layout
This is my English-only work in progress. I submitted my Bilingual works to two Indian publishers and received one rejection. All Good! Now, I just have to finish the artwork/layout and then the hard part begins - to find a way to publish. Must find a way to prioritise my work....